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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Hexagon Comics -Starpuck


THE SECRET ORIGINS OF STARPUCK (story: J.-M. Lofficier; art: Eduardo Garcia)

JALEB'S QUEST (story: J.-M. Lofficier; art: Gabriel Mayorga)
THE DASTARDLY MENACE OF DOCTOR.MORBYDE (story: J.-M. Lofficier; art: Gabriel Mayorga)

7x10 squarebound comic, 
48 pages 
ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-075-9 - 

Meet Starpuck, the courageous canine member of the Galactic Guardians of the Towers, the same cosmic corps to which belong Starlock and Starcyb of Strangers fame.
Learn of the secret origins of this dogged defender when he was only Inspector Pucktoon of the D.O.O.G. Patrol on the far off planet Bone Zone…
See Starpuck team up with Jaleb the Telepath to defeat a monstrous space vampire, and with Marianne, the Guardian of the Republic’s sidekick, to challenge the dastardly menace of Dr. Morbyde!
Three  barking mad adventures of the pluckiest pooch of the galaxy illutrated by Gabriel Mayorga and Eduardo Garcia.


It's got a Stan Sakai cover and it is a beauty to look at. 

Now I am not into "Funny animals" and I used to be but the first story was okay and I read through it even the anthropomorphism didn't put me off!

But to me the best strip was Jaleb's Quest -a continuation of Strangers #6 which I reviewed the other day -Against The Overbrain- which takes up a hefty chunk of the book and I loved it.  There were elements that would not have been out of place in an old episode of Star Trek (the original of course) and I am surethat Jaleb's..uh, "dalliance" with the twins would have been something Captain Kirk would be interested in!

Starpuck does arrive to save the day but Mayorga's artwork is nice and clean and was good to look out though I would say "more solid black areas" because that's what I am like. Mayorga continues his neat style in The Dastardly Menace od Doctor Morbyde and this is the quality of artist whom, years back when it was a decent industry, would have been snapped up by Marvel or DC.

My negative attitude at having to read a "funny animals" book was crushed and Jaleb won me over. Good story and good art.

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