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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 15 April 2014


PAUL CORNELL will be launching THE SEVERED STREETS, at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Wednesday 21st May from 6 – 7pm.

It’s Hell out there…

Detective Inspector James Quill and his wily squad of supernatural crime-busters are coming to terms with their new-found second sight. They have a handle on the ghosts and ghouls, but the rest of London's supernatural underworld is still unknown. When a seemingly invisible murderer kills a top cabinet minister in unusual circumstances, the team knows this is a case for them.

Attempts to learn more about this mysterious figure are hampered when their chief detective goes missing, and a core member of their team becomes more focussed on bringing her father back to life than finding their missing detective. Soon the team seems to be falling apart as each member pursues their own interests. Throw in an ancient and vengeful spirit and a Rat King, and their mission soon becomes a trip to Hell - literally.

Paul Cornell is a writer of SF/F in prose, television and comics. He's written Wolverine for Marvel, Superman and Batman for DC, and is the creator of Saucer Country for Vertigo. The first book in the James Quill series, London Falling, is also available from Tor.


Forbidden Planet is the largest store of its kind in the world. Some of the biggest names in SF, Fantasy and Cult Entertainment have come to our London Megastore for events, including Jonathan Ross, Kevin Smith, Sam Raimi, Guillermo del Toro, John Landis, Terry Gilliam, Christopher Lee, Simon Pegg, William Gibson, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen King.

For more about our signings please go to:

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