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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 8 June 2014

Ant-Man: Michael Douglas On Edgar Wright's Departure

But WHY, you may ask, does Ant-Man have to be a comedy??  Movie people with no character knowledge and their heads up their asses is why.

Edgar Wright's eleventh hour departure from Marvel's 'Ant-Man' is one of the biggest Hollywood stories of the year, with no one seemingly interested in filling the British director's boots. 

'Anchorman' director Adam McKay has turned down Marvel's advances and reportedly both Rawson Marshall Thurber ('Dodgeball') and Ruben Fleischer ('Zombieland') have done the same.

It's all a bit of a mess, and now the film's star (and one of its Ant-Men) Michael Douglas has had his say on the farce unfolding and losing Wright as director.

"I was very disappointed," Douglas said in an interview with Shmoes Knows. "I am a big fan of his movies."

"It's a very disappointing situation. Happened very late in the game. I don't think anybody's quite recovered. My heart goes out to Edgar - he's been involved with the project for a long time, but he's talented enough that you'll be hearing a whole lot from him and I'm sure with a little vengeance."

Filming was set to begin on 'Ant-Man' when Wright departure was announced, with Marvel explaining their desire to find a replacement quickly and get the film shot as soon as possible.

'Ant-Man' will star Douglas, Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Patrick Wilson. Right now the film is still targeting release on 17 July 2015, though the longer Marvel go without hiring a replacement the more likely it is that the release date will slip.

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