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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Cinebook The 9th Art: Clifford 7: Elementary, My Dear Clifton


Clifton 7- Elementary, My Dear Clifton
Authors: Bob de Groot; illustrated by Rodrigue
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: May 2014

ISBN: 9781849181983
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

A simple errand that turns into a car accident, and Clifton bangs his head and blacks out. An unfortunate if not uncommon occurrence, even for the dashing colonel – until he wakes up to realise that his passenger, Jade, has vanished! When, the next morning, a mysterious ‘doctor’ calls at his house to tell him a fantastical story, the sceptical Clifton is soon dragged into a very unusual investigation. Oh, and the doctor’s name? Watson. Doctor Watson.

Hmm. Only ever seen one Clifton book before this one.  Those Europeans have a strange idea about us British, you know!

As you might expect, tongue-in-cheek humour, action, time travelling(?) adventure and much more -and we're not talking The Murdoch Mysteries here!  Great fun on a cold afternoon...this book, I mean.

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