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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Cinebook The 9th Art: Alone 1:The Vanishing

Alone 1- The Vanishing
Authors: Fabien Vehlmann; illustrated by Bruno Gazzott
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: April 2014

ISBN: 9781849181969
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT

Ivan, Leila, Camille, Terry, Dodzi. Five children who have never met each other, who live very different lives in a small city. Then, one day, they all wake up in their empty homes, walk out into empty streets and wander through the empty city… No adults, no other children; just the five of them eventually finding each other, and forced to band together to face the inevitable questions – and the dangers of a modern city suddenly emptied of its inhabitants.

Believe me, that cover from this new Cinebook offering might look a little worrying but the story behind it could be one of the most interesting the company has published in English.

The artwork is great, no questioning that. The story...well, read that book blurb above because I am not going to give any spoilers here!

Buy a copy and see why it got the 9-12 Youth Prize at the Angouleme Festival and two top awards from Le Journal de Mickey.

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