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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Face Book

Thanks for the friend requests but as of today I am off Face Book.

You know, I put up with a lot of shit from morons and gutter-snipes in the comic community but when the assumed good folk join in that's it.

I am seriously contemplating -more seriously than ever before- getting out of this business so I can just do what I want and everyone else can stick their heads up their own asses.


  1. 'Good folk join in' ? What's happened ?

  2. DONT ask. I get attacked for a joke about a statement that made no sense and I wrote "is it an LSD thing?" and got ripped into for being some sort of retarded moron. Then when I explained I got told next time use a smiley face. I pointed out I had nothing to apologise about -it was a light hearted joke and then was told abuse humour is part of British culture -I was using abuse humour. NEVER would. This is from someone I've supported since the late 1980s. Then another 'friend' decided a post that had nothing to do with him was aimed at him(?!!). I want nothing to do with comic people.

  3. OH. Looks like a bad day, don't worry, when you get to my situation you know all about 'friends' - back stabbing rumour mongering lying pieces of shit. And that's the mild version. Still, I'm sorry it happened.
    Hey ! You've still got me - an occasionally arrested societal stain who should be restricted from teaching 'impressionable people'- to kick around ! ( Quote from Starship Troopers #1 )

  4. Move back to the UK!!!! Seriously, you'll get more respect!

  5. I had a similar experience on a comics forum. When told that a character's original older dad had been 'restored' to a weekly comic but that a controversial artist was now drawing the strip, I joked that that was almost as bad as being told one's terminal illness was in remission, then being run over and killed by a bus when leaving the doctor's. I was called an idiot who spouted urine and accused of comparing comics to cancer by one member, and then became the subject of Twitter posts between that member and another, who described my ironic remark as a sick joke. What I find ridiculous is that the person concerned is responsible for a strip about a character who tries to kill himself every episode. It's a bit rich when someone who wrings humour from the subject of suicide assumes the moral highground, don't you think?

    1. I should perhaps add that I had never specified any particular ailment and was not mocking illness or misfortune - only that good news doesn't always guarantee that happy results will ensue.

    2. Very true. The only thing that is guaranteed is, in fact, that there are no guarantees.
      Humour on the internet ( and elsewhere) does seem to be a problem, doesn't it ? In a foreign culture where the mores are very different ( I'm living in Japan ) I understand that... but within your own culture ? I think some people are simply looking for a 'thing' to snipe about.
      Anyway. Talking of humour - a small joke to cheer everyone - myself included - up;
      'Always borrow money from a pessimist - they don't expect it back..' Cheers !

  6. Hi,Kid. And Hi, Stransky. Sorry for the delayed reply (migraine). UK comic forums I avoid and I know what you mean kid the "nice guys" in UK comics tend the have very dark streaks (no, not in their pants). Best thing I find is to not get involved. Oh man, I fall into it every time! :-)
