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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 28 June 2014

Titan Books & Atomeka: The Weirding Willows

 Titan & Atomeka: A1 Presents The Weirding Willows
 W.  Dave Elliott
line art  Barnaby Bagenda,  Sami Basri
colours by...LOTS
Hard cover
Full colour
104 pages
format: 25.8 x 17.2 x 1 cm
 ISBN-10: 1782760350 
ISBN-13: 978-1782760351 
Publisher: Titan Comics (1 July 2014)

When she was aged 9, Alice wandered into the "Wild Woods" and made her first startling discovery. It was a portal to another world. A world called Wonderland.  Now aged 18, Alice has found three more portals in the Woods, with rumors of more. Along with Badger, Mole, Ratty, Toad, Frankenstein's Monster, Mowgli, Benjamin Bunny, Peter Rabbit and the White Rabbit, Alice guards these gateways .

Now, I have to say nice cover. If The Extinction Parade cover got 1 out of 10 then this cover gets 10 out of ten. Just classy.

I won't give spoilers away, you may have read the series originally but in case you have not all I'll say is that this was fun. Never expected it to be but it was. Good read and nice art. Also, I was being unfair describing colourist as "Lots" since their work adds to the over-all feel and look of this book. So, Sakti Yuwono, Jessica Kholinne, Gloria Caeli here's your mention.  Oh, and letterer Imam E. Wibowo.

I have no problem recommending this book especially as it contains wonderful Field Guides to characters which, of course, to a creaky old naturalist adds a bit of flavour!

Buy this one!

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