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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 29 June 2014

Tales From The Kryptonian on Erlangen

Hey, everyone -check out Subzero's posting on his Erlangen Comic Messe adventures -click the blog roll link, folks!


  1. Hey. I checked out Subzero's Erlangen, post and the video. Looked like fun, though Subzero is probably also making a point ( without realizing it ) for easier access and maybe shuttle buses for older and (maybe) wheelchair bound visitors. Oh. I got the package Terry. I'll read it through later - I'm really looking forward to Derrickson Dene ! What will he look like ? ( Or she, I guess. Derrickson.... a boy's name ? A girl's name ?....I've never known a Derrickson.... ) - oh, and nice to see Korea is coming through to boost the numbers. Oh...and was AniMangaPop what you were hinting at ? The new convention ? Anyway - time to hop off. See you.

  2. Hi. Yep this is the event. I got all my prose stuff and copies of books ready to go to the Booked! event in November and no one told anyone -including me who was promoting it like an ass- that it was cancelled. The big problem is that the Small Press event is on the same day in October -and the big event includes Small Press. So I'm ***** working out what to do. First thing check table prices at the big event! Ah, China is back too...only one visitor from Japan?! Remember Derickson Dene was unique as a comic strip when it appeared in a Boys Paper in
