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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 28 June 2014

Sigh. DC Comics and a I care.

DC Comics got me so excited that I really did wet myself.  Well, I spilt some coffee. Here, read this from the DC comics website but....


Is Jessica Cruz Doomed?

Clark Bull

My question is: Why should I give a **** considering the Earth, well, in fact EVERY Earth, in the "DC universe" has been destroyed and brought back so many times that even one of the worlds most sophisticated computers in Switzerland given the task of trying to work out DC continuity and the whole Earths destroyed and brought back question blew a fuse.

Next question: WHY the **** is Geoff Johns writing everything for DC or, more to the point, WHY is he still writing. Guy burned out of ideas loooong ago.

Oh, the Doom Patrol brought back again.....John Byrne was doing a great job on the last (?) DP incarnation and DC scrapped it with so many dead ends the entire DC universe needed to re-boot...or was that me?  And, oh my what very prosaic cool outfits...I am just staggered.

I like the word "prosaic".  Its a cool word to say.  Come on, say it: P R O S A I C.  Cool,huh? I think it was created just to describe 95% of comics today but 100% of Marvel and DC output.  snicker I said "output" you know like "human output" -poop.  Snicker

Doug Mahnke good artist.  Geoff Johns do you blow a rasberry....? snicker I said "blow"!

My other question is for Dan Didio.  WHEN THE FECK ARE YOU GOING TO QUIT??!!

  DC Comics and Marvel are screwed and dead.  And consider this headline:

David Goyer Thinks Only Virgins Know Who Martian Manhunter Is, Considers She-Hulk to Be a "Giant Green Porn Star" 

Seriously.  Find out who David Goyer is (I couldn't give a shit but I have to read these things) and what an utter arschloch he is here at the Outhousers: 

And here is the hoot for you. You go to the DC Comics site with its spoiler alert but the first thing you see is a large image of the Doom Patrol. Utter, utter asses.

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