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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 27 June 2014

I Was Lifting A Very Heavy Box And I heard Something Snap!

  Well, I've spent most of the day lugging heavy boxes about as I start packing away comics into archive boxes.  It was physically painful at the time but now -oh boy. 

Most of the foreign language comics packed away -with the exception of the books by Pekka A. Manninen which I like to go through every-so-often even if I do not read Finnish! 

The UK weekly and monthly comics from the 1970s to early 1990s took up about six boxes and I have found all the copies of Warrior Magazine I have. My Eclipse "Miracle Man" (Marvel Man) and as for the French language bandes dessinee (BD) -I have three 3 feet (90cms) high stacks in the living room as well as a lot of Manga books. Things to sell at the October Comic event (if  I "win" a table). Now, I cannot take all the BD because they weigh a ton and as I do not drive so have no car I'm having to select the very few I'll be taking with me.

Of course IF I get a table I have zines (from the 1980s-1990s) as well as Black Tower Books to also take and I have this terrible vision of lugging everything to the event and then....having to lug it all back home! In the old days you knew comic fans were always into trying something new so a good selection always attracted sales.  People attending these events now have a very restricted interest in comics but if I could cross my fingers I would!

After a swaithe of celebrity deaths this past fortnight I'm hoping that things can get back to normal in the next few days with a couple of reviews.

Oh, and the guys offering to sell me their books to review....**** off.   Total bullcrap from some people.

Anyway, hopefully you can all pop by at some point and see what's new in the coming days.

Me? I have to wait for my other three pals so we can ride about like real horsemen ;-)

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