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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 15 June 2014

I Am What I Am....

You know, I'm sure that people visiting CBO and seeing negative comic reviews must think that I am an American comics hater or hater of any newcomers in the industry.

Well, if that's the impression they get then they have not read my postings properly (I guess the Germans do because after my posting yesterday aimed at German comic readers...the number of hits from Germany has risen today!  You see, MY people love me....that or the increase was an error....

Anyway, although I thought everyone over-hyped Death Sentence I did point out that I liked the artwork. Go check:

And, similarly, I did say that there was a good chunk of art that I liked in Marvels Infinity and Avengers (just scroll down the page).  The problem is that Marvel, like DC, has a "closed stable" of writers and they are used, used, used and used again ad infinitum/ad nauseum.  This does not spawn creativity or "ground-breaking" stories (which, according to both companies is every book they publish). 

You need to keep fresh by bringing in new writers but not just writers who do not give a damn about characters like so many of the current "big star writers" -who also make jokes at the expense of the fans. You need writers who can bring new ideas in that does not involve constant re-booting. 

And do you know who some of the biggest people to blame are?  Corporate suits out to grab every red cent?  Dumb as feck editors and managers?   No. It's the comic buyers.

I see it every time as DC or Marvel re-boot and screw things up: the morons shout out "Wow!" and praise the company and, usually, the writers.  Re-boot again -ditto.

If your dog shits on the living room rug and you pat its head and give it a treat then it will go on shitting on that rug.  Same thing with DC and Marvel.

And all those "Oh, yeah, I AM a geek! I read all the comics!" (since they saw The Big Bang Theory on TV that is).  I see them on You Tube with their reviews and "comics hauls" and dumb-ass comments and lack of knowledge that shows they have been "big comic geeks" for about twenty minutes. They buy everything they can to show how big a geek they are.

Nothing can be done about it because idiots are idiots.  TV is getting worse and worse so for one hour everyone turn their TV off to show TV bosses what you think.  No -the soap I'm watching is on.  No -there's a Dr Who re-run (really?!!) Any excuse to not do a thing but complain to their mates.

The same with comics.  Everyone in August do not buy a DC or Marvel Comic....yeah. Right.

About 70% of the comics out there are trash. DC and Marvel realise that idiots will keep buying that trash so...produce more trash.

Go and buy a Donna Barr comic.  A Colin Upton comic.  A Paul Ashley Brown comic. A Kult Kreations comic -anything but Fantagraphics. 

Go on...or are you scared?

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