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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 30 June 2014

Booked! Event

In case I haven't made it clear the November Booked! event was cancelled and the AniMangaPop! event is the replacement event.


  1. Got it. The question remains...why was such an attractive event canelled ? My own gut feeling was the failure of the last two Bristol events. Popularity breeds popularity. Lets hope it's got some legs and a purse to advertise itself. Hm. I've become and old curmudgeon - everything has it's chance ! That's better. If you choose to try it - try it ! And give it your all. Once I would have said that and mean it; lived by it. Guess I'm tired

  2. Hi.
    The Booked! event had nothing to do with the Expo lot. I'm not sure WHY everything just went "Pwoof!" but there were some good guests and I was slated to talk about comics and graphic novel publishing. As it turns out I will probably give the Small Press event a miss since every one I went to was 100% full of people who knew nothing about comics and were basically buying from friends. Its £10 more expensive BUT if I can get someone to help out at the table I'll do the bigger event (seriously -no support here!). any spare meds?
