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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 June 2014

The Cabbage, The Chicken And The Mods Carrying AC-DC Albums

You know, the idea of blogging is a good one. If its about comics it gets even better.  Add a mixture of movie and TV news and....sweet.

Where it tends to get depressing is when a person -actor, artist or publisher- dies. This last month has been a LA morgue full of deaths.

You sit there and think "Was he THAT old?"  Then you realise "That's almost the same age as me!"

You realise that even more when stalking pigeons in the middle of Bath with great nephews. It was just walking around after pigeons and pointing at them you understand -nothing nasty intended.  Well, I can't speak for the pigeons that kept trying to lead us behind this huge tree which said great nephews were content enough to watch me approach but stood well back. I'm not stupid -I made a tactical withdrawl.

But I am curious....what was behind that tree?

Just rambling.

I'm also thinking about organising a one day Bristol Comic mart next year.  Small event intended for comic dealers and comic fans. not aimed at getting in a few cosplayers who buy nothing, though they would be welcome.  The idea is to stop money-grabbing, extortionate table costs, just get enough to pay for the venue cost -and as a mart it would be free to get in to for punters.

It's time comic fans -REAL comic lovers who want to talk comics, buy comics and generally have a comic mess around- took back these events.  Okay, no Stan Lee or Dave Gibbons as guests but for crying out loud these events are becoming rip-offs.

First convince the traders to turn up.  First events tend to be hit-or-miss but once established....

Just a thought.

Now, off to read before another death gets reported on!

oh....the title?   Wasn't me.

If you are a comic dealer, self publisher and might be interested in an event in June 2015 let me know -let's see if anyone is interested!


  1. Hah! Bus route from your place passes here? Oh -package with letter and Derickson Dene pages on its way to you!

  2. No. But next year I will be taking a helping out is not out of the question. Furthermore,renting a table for free flyers and such, even though I might not be there, is not out of the question... so, in a poetic sense,yes, a bus route might just lead me from here to there, it just might. Oh, and thanks - I'm looking forward to the package. I'll let you know when it arrives.

  3. There is actually news coming that may mean I need not organise a Bristol event but I cannot say too much at this moment!

  4. I'm vaguely excited. PS. - I do realize I'm writing comments all over the place. I'll stop giving you a headache and be more concise in future, and stick all my comments in one statement. Sorry.
    Still, take it easy, and remember the old saying; 'don't let the bastards grind you down.' As true today as it ever was !
