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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 5 October 2015

Biff! Crash! Cash! The 'Originality' Back Then!

Bath Comics Mart circa (I think) 1986.  Bath Chronicle reporter thought the heading was just soooo 'original'!

Taking place in a Scout Hall, no longer there I am told, it was trestle tables, cardboard boxes, a few makeshift signs and, believe-it-or-not, everyone there from dealers, publishers and the public talked!! Talked comics, talked zines and even music, occasionally TV and movies.

No poseurs.  No trendy zine beatniks.

Good comic folk and great sex.

Uhhh. I meant "great conversation".......I am quite old.  In fact, if I EVER (and it ain't likely) that I attend another UK event I am having a name tag made that reads "Rip Van Winkle"

And there was NO over pricing of comics -some dealers (such as David Johnson) actually GAVE me 1960s UK/US comics to lighten their load!


  1. Hey, I've got that Spacecraft book. Good book. Nice to see the good old days. Love to know what was in that TV Comic.

  2. Ah, now if you had asked me back in 1986(?) I could have told you. There were lots of those on sale at 10p, 20p a pop.
