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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 18 October 2015

High Boots, Bodice, Spiked Collar, Whip and...oh my -A SNAKE!!!
The Avengers episode A Touch Of Brimstone, was, as fellow blogger Subzero pointed out, not shown in the United States. Now, although "saloon gals" were barely better dressed in movies this was TV and the TV executives baulked at the costume...but as one US TV insider put it years back, "they might have tolerated it.  Might.  But then there's her use of a whip -but most gasped that she was holding a snake!"

Yeah, I know. But by the time this episode was shown in the UK Little Terry had seen his first full boob and nipple on a German TV soap ad! I bet you won't see that in Germany now!

But some comic creators such as John Byrne (with Sue Storm in Fantastic Four -remember that comic?) and even the X-Men series featured Lady Selene and everyone involved cites Diana Riggs tole in "that" episode!

I doubt Mr Peter Wyngarde (or Petunia Winegum as he was known in the acting fraternity) got too excited!

In the days when TV shows can be classed as soft core pornography, it might make younger people say "But she's fully dressed?!!"

I know.

In case you've never seen the episode:


  1. I had been fully programmed by my dad's 'Neue Revue' mags by the time Emma came into my life. But the image that comes to mind where Diana Rigg is concerned is softer and more romantic and has bagpipes playing in the background. Aye. We've discussed that particular episode, have we not, Terry?

  2. The other thing, though, if I'm not mistaken with my memory, is that Diana Rigg designed the costume for 'Touch Of Brimstone'. I would have to check my Avengers book for that.

  3. Emma Peel blowing bagpipes? I can't say I recall talking about that....?

    1. I think what was on your mind at the time was her diaphanous night attire! The 'ghost' was playing the bagpipes.

  4. Oh THAT! I think I was rather astonished they allowed it BUT since her character originated with "Man Appeal =Emma Peel" not surprising. And Linda Thorson might have looked better in the a smidgeon.

  5. Apropos Petunia, er, Peter Wyngarde, you should (If possible) check out the album he made in the early '70s to cash in on his "Jason King" popularity; it's almost as demented as Shatner's "Transformed Man", if you can believe that.
