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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 13 July 2016

DVDs, Action Figures, Comics, Graphic Novels -with these viewing stats -get your stuff reviewed here!

 Cover photo

Because I'm not totally obsessed with stats and views I rarely check on them. Not been checking my Google+ Profile for a very long time just posting. So imagine my surprise when I saw that it has 40 followers -that makes me officially a cult!- and some 2,910,402 views!

Now, I'm quite bored so I used a calculator and totted up total views of my comic blogs.  That came to...


Don't get jealous.  Stat envy is an awful thing.
I'm also getting sales -but not from the UK.
So, in a way, "happy" but I'd sooner be earning more and seeing far more items to review -the stats speak for themselves.

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