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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 14 July 2016

Europe Comics: The SDCC Debut

Europe (July 14th, 2016) - Europe Comics  the newly launched pan-European comics and graphic novel digital venture, uniting 13 European comics industry players, is glad to announce its first full-fledged presence at the San Diego Comic-Con this July 20-24. 

Apart from having its own booth (#1220), Europe Comics will be bringing three of its rising stars: Spaniards Roger (Jazz Maynard) and Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Suicide Forest), and Frenchman Mathieu Reynès (Alter Ego, Harmony). 

 Europe Comics will also host two panels, during which the Europeans will meet, discuss and compare work with Americans Jason Latour (Southern Bastards), Andrew C. Robinson (The Fifth Beatle), Matthew J. Kirby (Assassin’s Creed).

The guest creator titles will be strongly promoted during the SDCC week through live signing and drawing sessions, giveaways and special offers. There will also be significant promotion of two other key titles of the Europe Comics catalog: The Death of Stalin (Nury & Robin, Dargaud), and Valerian (Christin & Mézières, Dargaud/Cinebook), both soon to be adapted into major Hollywood movies directed by Armando Iannucci and Luc Besson, respectively.

About Europe Comics
Launched in November 2015 by a coalition of nine comics publishers, two rights agents, and an audio-visual company, from eight different European countries, Europe Comics is working towards the creation of a pan-European comics catalog, available in English and digital format, a website with comics information for readers and professionals, and a series of author tours and events across Europe and the USA.

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