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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 4 July 2016

It's This Weekend, Folks!

I hear there will be another Clallam Bay Con in 2017.  But, this weekend if you are in the state or travelling through why not stop by and see how grass roots creators need to take back comic events?

Fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon

The fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon will be held July 9-10, 2016, in the Lion's Club building in Clallam Bay (90 Bogachiel Street), on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula.
Canadian artist, writer and illustrator Leanne Franson will be the Special Guest Creator, here to share her experiences in art, publishing, and her latest venture - pottery. A GoFundMe campaign will help finance her travel.

The Comicon is held on the same weekend as Clallam Bay/Sekiu Fundays, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the festival's fireworks on the beach. It is just one of a growing number of artist-based comicons on the Olympic Peninsula. Artists have said they enjoy the scenery and friendly businesses in the area, and consider the long drive to be one of the better comicon road trips.

No admission fee, very low sales table rates; first-come, first-served. Peninsula businesses and communities are encouraged to offer welcoming specials or events to Comicon attendees.
And if you go you get to meet legends Donna Barr and Roberta Gregory!!
Contacts: and 360 963 2935

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