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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Again -Save Linda Medley & CASTLE WAITING!

Apparently comic creators need to eat and pay bills -??

So, sue me if I want to help a talented artist/creator.

Hello, I'm Linda and I'm an illustrator and cartoonist. I've been freelancing since 1986 and have had work published by Golden Books, Grosset and Dunlap, DC Comics, and many others. Since 1994 I've worked on my own independent graphic novel series, Castle Waiting. The book has managed to weather quite a few publishing storms over the years with two volumes (close to 1000 pages) in print, with editions translated into eight languages available all over the world. 

Several years ago I was diagnosed with severe cervical spondylosis as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, and took some time off from creating artwork to rest, and adapt to new modes of working. Although my convalescence took longer than anticipated, I'm currently hard at work on Castle WaitingVolume 3 and hope to have the first 150-page installment ready for publication next year...but I'll need your financial help to be able to continue working on it.

I'm bringing some changes to the book with Volume 3, most importantly: full color! The pages will be rendered in a combination of watercolor painting and digital color; the pages are sized larger than in previous books; and the story has jumped back in time to tell of Lady Jain's life before she journeyed to the Castle. There are new settings, new characters, and a closer look at Jain's family and heritage (not to mention, Jain herself). 

If you're not familiar with Patreon and how the site works, please take a look here. I've opted for the monthly system; this means that you're pledging $1 or more, per month (it's not a one-time payment like Kickstarter or similar sites!) to help me. In return I'm offering what I hope are some enticing rewards to express how very grateful I am for your support. If we exceed my initial goal of Basic Expenses, I'll increase my goal to cover more dreams (like expanding my studio, and moving all my studio equipment that's currently in storage in California to Seattle) and projects (like producing color versions of Castle Waiting Volumes 1 & 2, and finishing other projects that are languishing in my files!)

Thanks so much for your assistance. See you at the Castle :)

~linda m.
Visit my Etsy ShopIf you'd prefer to make a one-time donation via PayPal, you can send it Thank you!
And just check Linda's Patreon page.  Think about supporting comic creation!

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