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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Europe Comics at NYCC16

Okay, Blogger. Let's try this without you removing images!

Please note that the idea of white text on that colour background has nothing to do with me!

(Paris, October 4th, 2016) Europe Comics, the All Digital All European comics and graphic novel venture will mark its first year of existence at the New York Comic-Con this October.
The project, officially launched at the NYCC 2015, is returning to the convention, but this time with four European creators and a list of events at the Javits and other locations around New York.
French creators François Boucq, Matthieu Bonhomme and Jean-David Morvan and Italian comics prodigy Zerocalcare will be comparing their work and experience with American creators Sean Gordon Murphy, Andrew C Robinson, Dave Roman, and US-based French creator Pénélope Bagieu, under the watchful chairmanship of Calvin Reid (Publishers Weekly) and Brigid Alverson (Good Comics for Kids). Panels will be held at the Javits Center, the Cooper Union and Columbia’s Department of Italian.
A series of author signings/live drawing, and a week of special sales and giveaways will be accompanying Europe Comics at the NYCC.
Europe Comics will also be co-sponsoring ICV2’s state-of-the-industry event ‘Insider Talks/Happy Hour’ where a quick summary of the past 12 months and future goals will be made.
In one year Europe Comics has published 200 titles, has participated in five major events in Europe and the USA, and toured with a dozen European creators.  

About Europe Comics
Launched in November 2015 by a coalition of nine comics publishers, two rights agents, and an audio-visual company, from eight different European countries, Europe Comics is working towards the creation of a pan-European comics catalog, available in English and digital format, a website with comics information for readers and professionals, and a series of author tours and events across Europe and the USA.

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