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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 29 January 2015

Welcome To Post No. 81

It's interesting that France and Germany have been in the top five sources for views of CBO.  Germany tends to drop off and back to 4th, 5th or 6th place while France has at times exceeded views from the United States or United Kingdom.

But though France seems to be providing a steady source of CBO views Bulgaria has gradually been creeping up the positions so that, today (it's 1325 hrs here in the UK) it is the country producing the highest number of hits.  Yes, Bulgaria is Number 1 in the CBO chart!

Thank you, Bulgaria.

Our good friends at Lambiek (which you should really all be checking out) provided a guide, albeit brief,to Bulgarian comicshere:

What comics, if any, are being published in Bulgaria today I have no idea.  I do know that in Sofia there is Elephant Bookstore (? if I remember correctly) and a comic museum opened in 2014 -I hope I'm remembering this all correctly as I have too much junk in my head.

Bulgaria -YOU NEED BLACK TOWER COMICS!  That or a company to reprint them under licence!

So, welcome, Bulgaria and if there is comic media news you would like to see more of on CBO get in touch.  Or want people to know about your comics?  I'm an easy going guy!

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