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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 20 June 2015

CBO Comic Strip: Stransky & Labbat Q Bureaux -"Defendere regnum"


  1. Glad you got the thin package - I hope it put a smile on your face. "Defendere Regnum". Yeah ... even against a better future.... well, squid head did have it coming.... thanks for putting these up, Terry. I hope to impress you with something else soon ( oooer ).

  2. Did I not post that I got the package? I thought I had. Age. If you remember John Cane's trip to Q Bureaux in the Adventure strips I sent, you do see various aliens(?) in containment chambers in the background. Been busy boys have Q. I did like the Dene Vernon "Possessed" colour illoI always think of Dene talking like, say, Nigel Green in the Fu Manchu film with Christopher Lee. You have to remember he is (assumed) a middle class chap of the 1920s-1940s.
