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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Who Was Isabelle Émilie de Tessier? And Who Was Marie Duval?

  Isabelle Émilie de Tessier (Paris, 1847 -1890).
 File:Marie Duval, Ally Sloper, An Artist's Nightmare Upon the Last Sending-in Day (Judy, April 29, 1874).jpg
"About February of 1870, Ross handed the majority of artistic work on Ally Sloper over to “Marie Duval.” At first they were jointly signed by the two artists but eventually only Marie Duval’s signature appeared on the comic pages. "

Who was Marie Duval?  Good question.  You see, Marie Duval was the pseudonym of  Isabelle Émilie de Tessier.  Comic historians know about her, or as much as is known about her but to many comic fans her name means as much as that of Charles H. Ross.  But to be fair to the newbies, we are talking the mid 1860s on!

Now here was a pioneer comics creator and John Adcock on his excellent Yesterday's Papers blog has covered the subject far better than I ever could!

 The link, if you are interested is:

You can also check out:  A Choice Collection of Queens and Kings, and other Things at this blog:
Ally Sloper, Marie Duval's most famous creation.

So, you see, women have been drawing comics just as long as men have!

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey ! I like the Punch period of illustration ! These look good . I shall imvestigate further .
