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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 26 June 2015

"What happened to that Jack Staff action figure?"

As I build up my 3.75" Captain Britain set (original costume and the Davis version) I have added Union Jack to it and Captain America (basically Sub-Mariner felt there were too many Brits).

I was talking to someone about this and they asked whether I had the action figure of Paul Grist's Jack Staff.

Now, the Jack Staff figure, I believe, was going to be 6" (15cms) tall.  Here:

It never appeared.   I have no idea of the ins-and-outs but Paul Grist issued this statement on his Weird World Of Jack Staff  Face Book page in 2012:

"Just to say that Shockertoys and/or GBJR toys as they are now calling themselves, will now not be producing the Jack Staff Action Figure. If you see an indiegogo fundraiser for their line of action figures, please be aware that Jack Staff is not included."

If you can find a Union Jack action figure and you have the paints you could make your opwn Jack Staff as a conversion.

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