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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 11 August 2018


Authors: Jean Léturgie and Xavier Fauche; illustrated by Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: April 2018

In 1874, President Grant authorises the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi. Until then, passage between St. Louis and East St. Louis was only possible on ferries. But the ferry company is owned by two brothers who have been getting rich by forcing passengers to wait in the hotels and restaurants they own on both sides of the river.

The two crooks are doing everything in their power to prevent the bridge from being built – until Lucky Luke arrives, of course...

I was amazed when the Lucky Luke comic album series hit number 20.  That had not been achieved in the English language before. With number 30 another milestone was made. Then 40...50 and 60 -now the series has reached 68 (hehehehe -that's going to change with the next post!).

With this album we see the usual action but also the verbal and vizual gags.  What more can you wrtite about Lucky Luke after 68 albums?  The colour work by Studio Leonardo is really nice and clean and I like that the cover looks very much like a "vintage" cover style.

In all honesty, if you have not purchased a Lucky Luke book yet you may need to seek the help of a psychiatrist.  Anyone claiming to be a comic fan needs at least two LL books in their collection...oh -and there is a page of "proper history" at the back of the book. Educational, too!

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