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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 11 August 2018


Authors: Jean Léturgie and Pierce; illustrated by Morris and Pierce
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: June 2018

We all know Lucky Luke, the man who shoots faster than his own shadow. But even he was once a child, and back then he was already having grand adventures in the Old West! The young boy is travelling with an old, grumpy, alcoholic prospector in search of gold, when a conflict with the local Indian tribe leads to kidnapping – and he now finds himself the adopted son of a nagging native mother!

I am one of those people who HATES it when they do "Young -whatever" (but not Young Frankenstein!) and I saw this cover and title and said something rude. But I have to review what I get so....

It was not as bad as I expected! Lucky Luke but at a younger age and it was good to see his early connection to not just the Indians (native Americans) but the US Cavalry.  Connections that were a staple part of the LL series.  And, yes, this is album number 69 so the next one -O.K. Corral- will be number 70....without being too sarcastic that wasn't that difficult to work out, was it?

I do have one hope, though, we see Young LL here but one day I hope Cinebook can get together a collection of the early strips from the late 1940s -you know Morris created the character in 1946, right?  He looked a tad different 70 years ago!
But for now we have volume 69 and I think most fans are waiting for Lucky Luke 70 at 70 (or something like that).  Yeah, I know I may be a year or so off but I don't care. The series is still great fun for all the family.

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