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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 10 August 2023

How Many Posts on CBO since 2012?


10193 posts


  1. That's a lot of posts.."I can't stop posting about you - til the stars turn blue." My own proclivity leans towards the small press... it's where the most interesting stuff pops up - people doing what they want - back in the day; Bob Lynch, Shaky Kane, Paul Grist et al. It's too early in the day here for nostalgia - so I'll sign off and say, thanks for all the posts, they stop me climbing the walls ! Take it easy, Terry. Seeya.

    1. Well considering what we got up to with cover/package design and how others were trying different things I think today's Small Press is far from pushing things. Just straight books and the ones I saw were mainly moaning about how bad their life is "mummy and daddy do not send me enough money" etc. I am sure there is good stuff out there but there are very few if any SP events in Bristol and I never get told about them or invited. It really is all very much cliquey. Well that many posts gives you stuff to look back at and wear your eyes out! Take care
