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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 March 2024



Authors: Philippe Francq & Eric Giacometti

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

The last time we saw our friend Largo, he was orbiting our world in the company of one of his business rivals, having narrowly escaped death by asphyxiation. Who sabotaged their shuttle launch? Could it be the rival himself, Jarod Munskind? Or his wife Demetria, still on Earth? Perhaps the mysterious employers of a group of assassins currently plying their deadly trade around the edges of the W Group? The explosive conclusion to Largo’s latest adventure.

You might almost say that Largo Winch is Tony Stark without the Iron Man suit. The last volume left on a cliff hanger ending and I was left on the edge of my seat

Yes, I have had to wait since last November to see what happens. Does Largo and his companion survive?? Well, d'uh!   But how Largo saves the day was neat.  It's hard to explain the twists and turns in this story and particularly the shock ending and if you crave well drawn and paced action then the last part of this book you will enjoy.

Considering that this series seemed to start off as someone having to deal with his newfound inheritance (there is a movie you know) it certainly has not been lacking in intrigue, betrayal, murder and action.  Francq and Giacometti deliver a perfect package with a bitter-sweet ending.

Buy direct from Cinebook Ltd!

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