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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 20 March 2024


 Authors: Jean-Charles Kraehn & Stefano Carloni

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages

£10.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800441095
Publication: August 2023

Redbeard’s mission has turned into a disaster. He and his ship, the Black Hawk, are now in Spanish hands … His son and his lieutenants have been captured by the mysterious Spectre, who turned out to be none other than his nemesis Morgan, eager to get his hands on Redbeard’s treasure … It will take all of the old pirate’s courage and cunning to

Redbeard goes against the usual movie pirate trope of going to rescue his men and instead shrugs their loss off -noting that some had once mutinied against him. Fair enough. That gives the impression that our red-bearded 'hero' is cold-blooded and only in the pirating business for the rewards.  The ending to his confrontation with Morgan was where we see that he is far from mercenary and cold-blooded. 

Yeah, cannons do their work in ship-to-ship fighting and there is plenty of sword-action and a few surprises and for something someone once told me "It's just a regular pirate series" Red Beard has turned out to be very enjoyable and after the Red Beard hanging of the last story (that really did catch me off guard) it's fair to say that this is anything but a "regular pirate series".  What Red Beard gives up £800 for (a fortune at that time).

Robert Newton eat your heart out -young 'uns may have to look that one up!

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