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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 24 March 2024



Authors: Yves Sente & Youri Jigounov

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

£7.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800441187
Publication: October 2023

After the terrible attack on the Capitol, the Mayflower Foundation, now under the sole leadership of Janet Fitzsimmons, succeeded in taking over the US government. As for Jason McLane, he has become a puppet controlled electronically by Janet – and is now also her husband, as well as one of the new president’s closest advisors. 

When XIII goes to Cuba in order to covertly spring a Russian hacker from prison, he has no idea his past will once again come back to haunt him …

I waited and waited for the original series to conclude. It was something I started reading in Germany decades ago but never knew what happened. Cinebook gave me the full story! Then, out of the blue a second series!

Well, I was not happy. As you get older longer series you have to wait for the next volume of tends to make you wonder whether you'll live long enough to see the end 😂

No more Vance or Van Hamme but do Jigounov and Sente make adequate replacements? The story has plenty of twists and turns and action the double and triple betrayals all work well and I found it best not to think of this as XIII that I knew but a younger fella learning his trade. The artwork is detailed and that means everything from apartments, aircraft, etc. The details of military gear ...there is nothing to fault here and the superb colour work by Bruno Tatti sets the atmosphere for each of the scenes.

So, yes, this is a good read especially if you are into action spy genres and I know that there are a lot of you out there. Yeah, good read.

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