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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 4 March 2024

Tales of Terror 5 -oh, the horror!

Terry Hooper-Scharf, Ben R. Dilworth et al

Pages 75
Binding  Perfect Bound
Interior Black & White
Dimensions A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)

Once again the library of the Black Tower is opened and its files delved into. Robert Lovett -back from the dead for vengeance?

A mysterious case of two men falling into a strange dimension -the Black Abyss! The Living dead!
Black Tower's two sorcerers Kotar and Sabuta try to intervene in The Deadly Dilemma of Sigismund Benfrigisson!
Oh and there is more and you will sharpen your vampiric fangs, file your lycanthropic claws to razor sharpness to get this one!


  1. Sounds like fun ! Always good to see a Tales of Terror. ... No. 5 , no less ! Take care, Terry. TTFN.

  2. It can be. By-the-by no package and I think after 9 months it ain't getting here!

  3. Arrrgh ! Well, a lot of it was very depressed stuff, so, that might be for the better in the long run.... Who knows...? TTFN
