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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 March 2024

There is over a 14 years worth of reviews and articles here so enjoy!


Either it is all coincidence or someone is trying to wind me up. Three queries today -two about the UFO and mystery books and one asking my I am not continuing my Obscure or Lost British Super Heroes series.  I have explained this before but just in case... 

I have had CBO going on Blogger since 2010 and that is a lot of posts of reviews, news and so on. I wrote a number of Mega Posts that took days to research and longer to get the huge load of covers and art I used in them and some of that was pretty obscure. Lots of views -a lot of views.

Rarely any comments or feedback. In fact blogs that post less (and some times a lot of material they steal from CBO) get more comments and feedback. Go figure.  Now I did point out for a lengthy time that the amount of work  CBO involves is gratis. No one pays or supports the work and, yes, I did try "one last time" at the insistence of someone but that got no response. 

No sponsors despite thousands of views per day across the world (just under 3000 today alone) which is bad enough. I do not allow adverts as last time they snuck in gambling, alcohol and even some sex sites and I would never recommend Adsense to anyone. So, no feedback despite all the views and no sponsorship of any kind I just explained that they days of massive posts was over. If people bought some Black Tower books it would help but, no. 

I still gather information for the obscure characters but in all fairness no one has ever really made any comments and I just assume CBO is treated as read then go.  The people out there reading this blog are important because CBO was meant to be a kind of electronic fan magazine covering pop culture (I think we can see why fan magazines disappeared because even Comic Bits the magazine only got low sales -rave reviews but low sales- so it stopped at issue 2). 

Really with nothing changing CBO will continue as it does and the obscure character info may go into a Comic Bits publication  that is private so that I have a written record for my files but that's it.  There is over a 14 years worth of reviews and articles here so enjoy!

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