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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 25 March 2024



Authors: Derib & Job

Age: 6 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

£8.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800441194
Publication: November 2023

It’s summer on the prairie, a hot, oppressive summer that has everyone’s temper flaring. While Yakari’s family, eager to find the buffalo they are tracking, has moved some distance from the other Sioux, nature suddenly unleashes its rage, and a tornado tears through the main camp. Tipis torn, supplies scattered, the tribe must now rebuild … but there are also several people missing, blown away by the twister and perhaps injured or trapped. Yakari sets out to look for them …

Aside from the spy thrillers, science fiction, pirate and other genres Cinebook publishes they also cater for youngsters. Lucky Luke, Iznogoud, Gomer Goof and...Yakari.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is a silly kids series because there have been a few darker moments but nothing that kids (young or old) should not see. This was meant for a young audience after all.

Things do start jolly and comedic and then, suddenly, the tornado! Things get serious but still with a light side -and some info on tornadoes. The story is enjoyable and the art as always colourful and well drawn. 

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