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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 16 July 2016

[MV] 여자친구(GFRIEND) _ 너 그리고 나 (NAVILLERA)

No problem with J-pop but, honestly, I wanted to show this as an example of what NOT to do. Jumpy little tune but with a video that is so lifeless it might have been filmed at a Sunday Baptist church meeting.

It really is not the sort of video I could see J-poppers outside of Japan (or in Japan) getting too excited over.                                          
Seriously -NO ONE??? Thought I might drag a few comments in. Look at the text and listen....this is K-Pop. Korean. I try.


  1. Whatever it is it´s blocked by GEMA in Germany.

  2. Yep. K-Pop. Using images and styles of the 80's and early 90's in Japan to make a retro vid. Why it's banned in Germany I can't imagine. You're not missing out on much Mr Sub. In fact, I envy you not watching. Hate to be negative, but there you go.

  3. Subzero -know where I got the link? German radio. Radio SAW has a link taking you to the K-pop vide0 Go to their page and its bottom right -nice image there with "Watch K-Pop" on it.

  4. Ahh. Up-dated the post and NOW I see Ja D got it! Clever beggar!!

  5. Not your usual Terry, I was a bit surprised. Nice song though.

  6. Ja D -I was "K-curious"! To be honest the video was worse than a 1960s b&w pop 'video' the song is so-so but, man, do they need a vibrant, bearded ideas man to direct their videos......
