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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 1 July 2020

All the facts for The Green Skies plus Scheduling

Oh yes; when I get to work I get to work.

All pages sorted now so I can reveal how many Parts will make up Volume 3 as well as the page count.

There will be four volumes to be published in monthly installments covering October, November and December 2020 and January 2021.

Part 1 consists of 124 pp
Part 2 consists of 128pp
Part 3 consists of 132pp
Part 4 consists of 80pp

A whacking great total of 464 pages which breats Return of the Gods 331pp by a fair margin.  This is much expanded from what was to have been published in 2014, however, that would have been slimmed down from the then total of 500 pp.

The cost of each volume I am keeping down as low as I can, baring in mind the printers and print on demand company want their big chunk of cash. At the moment I am looking at a £10 per part cover price which considering the (please do not laugh) years it took to draw and eventually get to a publishing state is cheap. Return was only £20 for 331 pages but as it is clear no one wants a big book even at that price I have to adjust accordingly.

Remember these four parts DO NOT require you to go out and buy other titles to understand or complete the story. As someone pointed out: you could read Return and Cross Earths Caper as two separate self contained books and not read Green Skies (that type of attitude will keep me poor!).

I now need four eye-ball bursting covers (you understand that I do NOT mean covers with actual eye-balls bursting, don't you?) to finish it all off. After that I need to finish off (c)2020 Enfants Perdus (Lost Children) and I think you have enough info for now.

Up The Tower!


  1. great news. Power low comment later.

  2. got a new plug. Happy! The posts are fun. And the 4 part GREEN SKIES sounds awesome....awesome? ? ... am I becoming American ? Help me CRASH CAREW ! I need some stiff upper lip... OOER., what would Billy say... ? Anyway TTFN.

  3. "Awesome" was a big UK 1980s expression along with "wicked" -yer safe for now! Sadly, I think The Green Skies will do as well as Return and Cross Earths Caper and sell zero. I have a stack of Maakika books here printed in 2014...not a single copy sold. I have my Halcon figure. I have dinosaur toys. I'm off to play Halcon Lord of the Craterland in the Dinosaur Forest. ""GRRR-AWL!" "ROOR!" "Let's fight!" ;-)
