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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 10 July 2020

Well, with a few brief interruptions...

I started adding text (a LOT of text) at 12:30 hrs and it is now 21:22 hrs and Green Skies has been lettered up to page 41.

After theweekend gardening break I reckon that I should have the full lettering done by next Friday at the latest. Vol. 3 Part II has a couple of major story plots so I take my time.


  1. Enjoy and take your time. Creation is worth the time. And the effort. TTFN

  2. If the light isn't so good I have to leave the painting of figures -they are 1" and 2.5" and you NEED light! So I may just clean up pages. Its quite addictive doing lettering. I have no idea why!! But once you see a scanned page with ytext on it....loverly!
