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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 27 July 2020

Cinebook The 9th Art: IAN 4 - METANOIA

Authors: Fabien Vehlmann & Ralph Meyer
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2020
ISBN: 9781849183819

Ian will have to choose a side now – AIs or Humans...
A year has passed since the Los Angeles riots, but Ian is still being hunted by the Pentagon. Extremely hostile treatment by the media has also made him a favoured target of a majority of American citizens. 
Tracked down by an ambitious reporter, the android gets in touch with an eccentric billionaire who promises to tell him what the Nome is – that super-powerful artificial entity with whom he seems to have a mysterious bond... 
A merciless cascade of new revelations follows...
 I've been a fan since this series started and I did want to provide links to reviews of 1-3 BUT Blogger tells me that the posts do not exist. They do but Blogger is blogger.
This reminded me from the outset of something that might have appeared in the old 2000 AD back in the original run.  It's a great story. The art is fabulous and it all moves along seamlessly -I would HIGHLY recommend it.  
I sat down to read this at around 0100 hrs and when I got to THAT final page all I could say out loud was....well, it was rude. It was a shocker I never saw coming. Even now looking at that final page...****
Only four parts to this and, luckily, you buy 4 or more titles there is FREE UK delivery. 
Cinebook titlesnever cease to amuse and entertain -ordeliver big surprises!

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