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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 7 July 2020


104 Pages
Price: £10.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days

With DESCENT Elmes returns to his comic roots having spent some years involved in animation. In this 104 page classic only one prisoner aboard a space craft awakes from stasis alive. All the others are dead..well, the living dead! 

Can the lone surviving prisoner and the guards survive the zombie onslaught? Who knows -but we can tell you this is the most zombie fun you’ll get outside of the Resident Evil movies!!

With DESCENT Elmes returned to his comic roots having spent some years involved in animation. In this 104 page classic only one prisoner aboard a space craft awakes from stasis alive.  All the others are dead..well, the living dead! Can the lone surviving prisoner and the guards survive the zombie onslaught?  Who knows -but we can tell you this is the most zombie fun you’ll get outside of the Resident Evil movies!!

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