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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 16 July 2020

Probably The Longest Chapter Heading?

Yep, I had a simple title for a chapter in The Green Skies.  So why did I then type and change it to:

Varik Dann -The Man Who Walked Through A Door And Into Another World?

I now have a post-it on the monitor which reads: "IDIOT!!! DO NOT CHANGE CHAPTER HEADINGS!!!!!"

Having written that "A Quick Word" became Quick Chats, Spilt Coffee and an Eye-ball in the Pocket

I've been doing comics for far too long!!


  1. But, 'If It Gets In Your Eyes, It Stings'. I suppose my longest was, 'Whatever Happened To The Falling Flood?', or did I do a paraphrase of a poem by Henry Longfellow, at one point, for Braque, as a title? A hippopotomonstrosequippedaliophile would propably be the term for someone who likes long words. I wonder if there's one for someone who writes long titles? Perhaps we should make one up?

  2. nice chapter title. Sometimes long is better - ooer!

    1. Now remember Strans old fellow. Size is immaterial until the breeze hits it!

  3. I like titles that seem over convoluted but basically could be replaced by three words! I fearfor future chapter headings!!!!
