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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 13 July 2020

Black Tower Super Heroes No.5 -out now


It had to happen! Straight from the pages of Zero Heroes "the other guy" becomes....


No joke. 

Not an imaginary tale! 

Will Earth be happy with its new defender? 

You think it cares?? 

Also features Jack, The Iron Warrior, and enough action (with a touch of humour) to keep you happier than an adult entertainment channel (whatever they are) during lockdown!


  1. well, hell yes! Captain Cosmic! No need even for a comment. Hell yes!

  2. I have a plan with the complete run of BTSH but I cannot discuss that here since so many nosy sods like to read these exchanges and the "whispers" squad is ALWAYS here.

  3. ok. well. I'm looking forward to it. Yay !

    1. I think the way BTSH has developed works. Can't do much about postal costs but an anthology of 80pp for £6? I would have jumped at it. In fact Ibought copies. I never thought that thrpough....I publish iot :-/ Whether there is a volume 2 depends but no sales mean I need to ask whether it is worth the effort!
