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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Comic Bits No. 2

Ed T Hooper-Scharf
80 pp

The second issue of the magazine celebrating creators, titles and characters of the British Platinum, Golden and Silver Ages of comics. 

In this issue William A. Ward finally gets some long deserved recognition for his contribution to comics John McCail gets "bigged up" something rotten!

 We look at comedian and actor Bob Monkhouse's comic creation career 

Steve Dowling -Father of the Garth newspaper strip speaks to Denis Gifford (the ONLY interview he ever gave) 

There is a look at Dennis M. Reader and his comics work that spawned some of the UKs first super heroes. 

also a look at William Fletcher Thomas, Ernest Wilkinson, Jos Walker, Mary Byfield and William H A Chasemore... oh, and LOTS of lovely art and stripwork!


  1. Now this is fascinating for me. British comics history. Maybe, someday,you can publish a whole 1940's boys mag. Here's hoping!

  2. Well there are problems in that the current state of things is that no one can publish on the inside covers of books. So you would have to print covers then the interiors but not a real facsimile (unlike if I had my own copier again!). Poor quality of some printing stopped me trying that with some 1930s items. These were just cheap roll off the press kids entertainment after all. But if I ever find a good one.... You will get to see Comic Bits but at the moment there is a big delay in printers fulfilling orders (we all know why) so I am just being sent Johnny Neg which was ordered on the day published -well past the 5-7 days often quoted. Oh the other problem with boys mags is that they could be A3, A4 or a weird Quarto sixe and A3 pages with fine print turn into A4 with teensy hardly -if you even make it out- text.
