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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 14 July 2020

SUPPORT Indie Comics, films and Music....I Do!

Someone said that I keep going on about supporting Indie film and music but do I?


Firstly I cannot support Indie comics or the Small Press because they no longer send review books -I have a ton (well, about 26)  new Cinebooks to review and the policy has always been "It arrives on my doormat I'll review it". Nothing I can do if publishers do not want thousands of people to know their books are out there! 😂😂😂

Indie films. I have supported and publicised all types of Indie film on CBO. Not all comic related but the best known is Comic Book Palace. I have posted on Another Dirty Room and other Dan Bell films (which are a great laugh -even ADR despite what they find!) and on it goes.

Indie music. You ARE ******* me, right? I've posted music from Shura, Jean Added, Jain -whether Indie French, German or British or American (I think even a bit of K Pop at one point). If I like it then I think it is worth getting out to more people. My work play list has French (Johnny Hallyday, Mylene Farmer, Alizee, Jain,Clara Luciani,  Jean Added (singing in English), Desireless) German -too many to mention! But Tessa Violet, Violet Orlandi, Mo, First to Eleven, Halocenre, Gin Wigmore and even Storm Clouds.  I love music.

I have supported and promoted (unpaid I hasten to add) more Indie films, music and comics than you've had hot dinners, mate.

Of course, I could have just responded with: "Have you actually read anything posted on CBO?"

And, no, as far as I am aware none of the ones I've supported have supported me in return -but that is NOT the point.

1 comment:

  1. nice to see you reading the THINKER. Some of it is quite fun.... and independent! TTYL
