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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 6 July 2020

Hootin, shootin, bootin, tootin, cootion -do you knowe how hard (ooh-er) it is tocome up with post titles?

By the time I came up with that heading I'd forgotten what I wanted to post about.

My famous pasta recipe?  My equally famous brown sauce recipe? The mass food poisoning incodent of December, that last one definitely not.

Oh! Right, some asked why I do not have a personal blog. I thought they were kidding at first but, no. Well, I have no personal life and all my time is spent working. My Black Tower ana AOP blog along with CBO ARE personal blogs.

Considering the amount of furore caused when that news story about meand that model broke (well, it was more about her than "mystery boy friend") I tend to kleep anything private.

Last week I was constipated on Tuesday but an overhead bolt of lightning quickly cured that.  Uh, I cooked pasta yesterday. I had to sign an updated copy of the Official Secrets Act last Monday. My fallen buddleija tree is blooming very well and has lots of flowers on it. I'm expecting a food delivery between 13:00-14:00 hrs today if that's any good?

I could tell you about being driven over an East German minefield in the 1980s in a British army jeep after shouts of "Vopos!" But that might be problematical. Certain people know the story but...

Quite a boring life since I retired from chasing up UFO reports, monsters and ghosts....I had far more energy.

See -boring.

That is why I do not have a personal blog.

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