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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 October 2020

Corporal Religion No.1 -OUT NOW!






Over thirty years since Corporal Religion Against the Pinko Commie Menace and the world thought that it was safe.

 It was wrong! 

His religion is Hard Capitalism 

His dream is total anarchy 

And his motto is:"American Might Is Always Right" 

No, this is not the Trumpster. 

This is....well, it's...complicated.


  1. yay ! A little madness to brighten the day ! Thanks, Terry, it looks good. PS Dene Vernon is dywn to its jast two stories. Soon finish it. TTFN

  2. Computr being a nightmare though. 10 Hours today to put together already scanned Electroman. Who nsid publishing was fun???
