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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 26 October 2020

Dark Night Detectives, Covers and Volume 1

 Thankfully, The Dark Night Detectives was the last book on my desk and I can now concentrate on other comics work.  When you have to fight your own computer to get work done it isn't great.

The cover you see in the post was the third choice.

The first I dumped straight away.

This was the second choice:

and final choice

Normally I go with what the artist designs, however, the type of printing used would make the hand drawn logo look washed out and that isn't very appealing to the eyes.  I would criticise the size of the BTC&B logo used but it had to be that size to cover something up.

Whatever, the book is done now and if you haven't read the previous volume well...

Black & White
50 Pages
Price: £8.00 (excl. VAT)
Ships in 3–5 business days

Its a world where if you stand up for what is right you'll be lucky if its just a beating you get.

A world where people are starving (if poor) and the rich live in luxury.

A world where you have to have birthing Rights.

Where sacrificing someone to the Devil is acceptable -as long as they pay the wages.

A world where if you DO NOT take that bribe you WILL be made an example of.

This shows off Dilworth's skill at writing dark and brooding stories with a hint of satire but just too true to modern life!  It also shows his skill as an artistic story teller and designer.  Some of Ben Dilworth's most provoking and dark work in ages.

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