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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 29 October 2020

I'd be happy to find a copy of Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 5!

 Image Comics new title Cross Over is getting the hell publicised out of it and I thought "give it a try"

£6.99 for #1?? What the -mother flipped that toast out the door. £6.99 seems to be the cheapest and my resp[onse to that is that I will continue not to buy any Image Comics which all seem to be pricey as heck -I can buy two new Marvel Comics for £6.00. So fro.

As it is the choiuce of covers for Avengers #37 in the UK is £3.65 for bland..uninspiring cover or 2-3 times that for an alternative cover.

Seriously, Black Tower it's one groovy cover and zero alternate covers. 

Honetly, I used to buy a good few Image comics but the two local stores kept mising iues and they were always more expensive than Marvel or DC.  Comic seller with the cheapest prices online is the one who i going to urvive the current comic store crisis due to that thing going on.

I'd be happy to find a copy of Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 5!

£332??  Why? Oh, flippers and slimy dealers because there is nothing in the collection that makes it rare.

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