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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 10 October 2020

The Strange History of Creepy Crawlers: Plastic Bugs, an Animated Series...


  1. sorry. off topic. just fin a Dene Vernon story. yay! Let you know the result. TTFN 」

  2. going home and tired. started on the Vernon lettering. looks ok. TTFN

    1. Did I send you a copy of Black Tower Super Heroes no. 6? If not I'll send a copy with no. 7 next week. Is thre ANYTHING you would like a copy of -if there is let me know. You have the D-Gruppe complete book? You have Cross Earth Caper? Lemme know.

  3. You may need...."resty"? I think that's what they call it. I just finioshed issue 4 of the AOP Journal -started Saturday and 64pp. If you you think Green Skies has no big flaws in its ridiculous plot then I'll start on BTSH 8 and get onto Green Skies covers. Stay safe and healthy!
