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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 October 2020

Was Gil Kane barred from working at Marvel after being caught stealing art?

 I have been asked about this a few times over the last year and I cannot add anything to the story. I have no personal knowledge and though a former Marvel Editor referred to the story at an old Bristol Comic Expo he pointed out that "There's nothing on paper".

Incidentally, a theft by editors at certain UK companies was not unknown which is why one company kept its warehouse location a close secret). One is reminded of the Brian Bolland "missing art pages" story.

With DC Comics they used to routinely throw out/scrap art and even cut up pages. Roy Thomas has dealt with this in Alter Ego magazine -many art pages were saved by people grabbing the 'trash'. I cannot remember who it was but at a Bristol Expo someone at a rare DC comics panel (Bob Wayne?) nodded when someone mentioned that in the early 1970s it was reported, by various artists, that there was a table piled with art pages and they were told to take as much as they liked as they were "tossing it".

Anyhow, this is an Archie Goodwin story (aka "Roman a Clef") from Ted McKeever's Pencilhead memoir published in 2018 (?).  

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