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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 25 October 2020

Four Lovely Old British Comic Covers

 I just found out that it is Sunday. Wow.

To brighten things up I thought I would show the covers of four British comics from the 1960s. For me there are special attachments -Gadget Man and Gimmick Kid appeared in Part 1 of The Ultimate Game (which became Return of the Gods).  The Phantom Viking also featured in Ultimate Game a did Texas Jack. Only Phantom Viking made it to the post Ultimate Game project Looking Glass.

These comicxs are a mix of humour, action, war and, of course, super heroics in 40 pages a week. How could kids not like that?

The covers were also quite simple and colourful but grabbed your attention. I think that these days we tend to get bound up in over-complicated covers that can often look crowded and make you go "meh" and move on.

A pity that the 111 pages of looking glass will never get published as I think I would have loved to add a few more pages just so Texas Jack could get in on the action.

This PC is playing up so I'll not go into the contents like I alway wanted to in bigger feature posts but...

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