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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 18 October 2020

She-Hulk: Tatiana Maslany vehemently denies reports she's joining Marvel world


 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Tatiana Maslany says she won’t be playing She-Hulk in a brand new Marvel series after all.

Last month, it was claimed that the Orphan Black star had signed on to play Jennifer Walters in a brand new Disney + series.

The news seemed so certain that even Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo congratulated her casting in a post welcoming her to the Marvel family.

“That actually isn’t a real thing and it’s like a press release that’s gotten out of hand,” she told Sudbury Star.

“It's totally not – I've been connected to these things in the past and press has gotten onto it, but it's not actually a thing, unfortunately.”

When pressed on the matter, Maslany said: “Yeah, I don’t know how these things get – I don't know, I don't know. You know better; I have no idea.”

The news was originally reported by Deadline.

In the Marvel comics, Walters is a lawyer and cousin of original Hulk, Bruce Banner, who gains powers of her own after an emergency blood transfusion.

Other MCU shows scheduled to arrive on Disney+ at some point in the future include The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision and Loki.

Maslany was most recently seen in HBO series Perry Mason.

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